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Investment schemesEmployees of "ORIENT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT" possess experience of structuring of deals. Our team is ready to develop structure of the deal on sale/purchase of assets in which Client is interested, by offering optimum alternative, taking into account interests of participants of the deal. At modelling schemes of investment we consider requirements of the current legislation of Uzbekistan. We develop the scheme of calculations under the transaction, allowing to optimize cash flow at realization of the transaction, and also to minimize tax consequences of realization of the deal. The important stage is realization of the transaction, process of which we handle in the interests of our Client. Within the bounds of development of investment schemes company provides:
At any moment clients will be provided with qualified consultation on any interesting question — starting from quotations on stock market and finishing with questions on taxation of operations with securities. Experts of "ORIENT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT" will help you to form right, reliable and profitable investment portfolio.
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