Our partnersUNIVERSAL SUG'URTAInsurance Company CJSC “Universal Sug’urta” is non-government insurance company acting science 1994. In 1994, Joint Stock Insurance “Metro” company was established. In 2003, due to entrance of Swiss investors into company JSIC “Metro”, later Company was renamed to Uzbek-Swiss Joint Venture CJSC “Universal Sug’urta”. In 2007, due to exit of Swiss company in 2007 from participants list, company became CJSC “Universal Sug’urta”. ALLIANCE-LEASINGJV OJSC "ALLIANCE-LEASING" - is an universal leasing company that focuses its activity on provision of financial services, i.e. leasing of property (equipment, real estate or car) to enterprises with stable production and firm financial activities in terms of mutually beneficial cooperation. |
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Review of economic news of Uzbekistan_2011_10_31
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